It sure hasn't sprung yet! I talked to my sister in Arizona last evening. She was loving the 73 degree day. I was huddled in my fleece blanket. I checked out the blogs of several of you in southern California and was thinking about making a cup of hot tea. As I sit here in my turtleneck and sweater. Sigh.
You know how they put flouride in the water supply? How about Prozac for Washington State! If spring doesn't happen soon, we may need tickets for the bridge! Just kidding, just kidding! You have my permission to remind me of this in August when I am grumbling about the heat!
On a happy note, the daffodils are in full bloom! That is much needed cheer to a winter weary soul!
Just remember the days your kids were running around the house screaming because they are soooo bored...we are tired of it too. I am thinking march came in like a lion and out like a elephant!
We were fortunate in one old farm house we lived in to have a little closed in porch. It was only wire, but one summer it rained almost every day and at least they could play "little cars" sort of outside!
Actually, I feel like running around the house screaming!
Or March went out like a polar bear! tee hee!
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