Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

I think I knew that one day I would be doing this! I'm the tekkie in the family and love the social networking, etc. So now I can rant all I want, huh? Well, it will take a little getting used to, but I think I am going to like this. I'll sure give it a try!
The big event this year for Thanksgiving was the baton being passed. I didn't "do" the Thanksgiving dinner, but was only a provider! We went to our youngest son and daughter in law's house that they share with our middle son. My husband's mother was there, too so we had everyone from one to 93 there having a great time! Instead of the traditional roasted turkey they did a deep fried one, and to go with it we had squash, stuffing x 2 types, mashed potatoes, etc., etc., etc. I provided the dessert and veggie tray. It was pretty neat. I wasn't sure how I would react to not being the hostess, but you know, it was all right! I helped in the kitchen a little, played with the grandkids and visited with adults! Wow! A whole new chapter has opened up for me! (Well, us, of course!) I think we will adapt just fine, thank you!!

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